Aboriginal Housing
As the largest Aboriginal housing provider in New South Wales, MLAHMC has been providing housing management since 2004 as a registered Aboriginal housing provide with the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office.
Aboriginal housing is secure and affordable rental housing for Aboriginal people on low incomes with housing needs.
Each tenancy is managed in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. MLAHMC currently manages in excess of over 750 properties on the behalf of 19 different housing owners via a regional management model.
Applying for Housing
Housing Pathways
For Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) and MLAHMC owned properties, all housing applications and property allocations are processed through Housing Pathways.
Housing Pathways provides:
coordinated information about housing assistance
a single application process
common eligibility criteria for housing assistance
a standard assessment process, and
a single waiting list known as the NSW Housing Register
You can apply for housing assistance online 24 hours a day, 7 days per week or by phone, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm by calling the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322.
Please click here to apply for housing assistance via FACS’ Housing Pathways.
Other Aboriginal Community Housing Options
Owners of Aboriginal community housing, such as Local Aboriginal Land Councils and Indigenous Corporations, may have their own eligibility requirements and processes for the allocation of their stock, including internal management of their waiting list of Aboriginal people requiring housing.
For further information on housing eligibility and the application process for these properties, please contact our tenancy team on 1800 231 160 or email tenancies@mlahmc.org.au for more information.
Employment Related Accommodation (ERA)
If you’re an Aboriginal person, the ERA program aims to assist you (singles and families) with accommodation for the duration of your education or training, or while you become established in your new job.
To apply for ERA you must;
Be an Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander person over 18 years old.
Have a family connection to remote NSW.
Prove your enrolment in an education or training course at an approved institution such as university or TAFE or
Show that the potential employer offers long-term opportunities.
For further information or to apply for ERA accommodation please call 02 6841 9100, visit the AHO website on aho.nsw.gov.au/era or email era_aho@facs.nsw.gov.au
MLAHMC currently has vacancies in Parkes and Orange for shared ERA accommodation.