Our Story
MLAHMC is the largest Aboriginal housing management organisation in NSW. It was established in 2004 to manage the collective housing stock of 8 organisations and today manages more than 800 properties in various communities between Lithgow in the east and Wilcannia in the west, and Wagga Wagga/Dareton in the south and Goodooga/Enngonnia in the north.
Our Vision
As an Aboriginal organisation, our vision is for stronger and healthier families and communities through the provision of sustainable, quality housing and related services.
Our Purpose
We exist to:
Provide effective and high quality tenant-focused Aboriginal housing services.
Involve Aboriginal people and communities in how we make our decisions.
Engage in business and community development, and provide training and employment services, to support our vision.
Build relationships based on confidence and trust with appropriate partner organisations and the wider community.
Be a viable and efficient Aboriginal controlled organisation that is accountable to its stakeholders.
Our Values
We achieve our vision, purpose and goals by:
Compassion and respect for culture, community and each other, including for the privacy of tenants and communities.
Transparency, accountability, integrity, and trust.
Commitment – to our organisation, staff and community.
Sustainability, quality and excellence in what we do.
Innovation and leadership.
Our Locations
MLAHMC has office’s located in Parkes, Dubbo, Griffith, Brewarrina and Broken Hill enabling staff to access the regional and remote locations within New South Wales in an efficient and effective way.